Happy First Birthday Little B! I've had the joy of capturing this sweet little boy as a newborn, at 6 months and now for his first birthday portrait session in my Toronto photography studio. Its been a wonderful and exciting journey watching him grow from a tiny newborn to a funny, smiley & adorable toddler. We did birthday portraits, followed by a camping theme cake smash, and finally a bubble bath to clean up ~ we refer to these sessions as a "Smash and Splash"! As you can tell from all the smiles, he loved it.

Cake Smash sessions continue to grow in popularity - its a fun way to celebrate that first milestone year and capture your child's reaction to eating cake for the first time! I've noticed that some babies dive right into the cake, while others are a little apprehensive. This boy loved it and didn't mind getting messy!

If you're in search of a Toronto photographer for your child's first birthday portraits please contact me - I would love to photograph your upcoming milestone session. #firstbirthday #cakesmash #torontochildphotographer #torontophotostudio